Sunday Suppers

Cooking is a Great Way
to Spend Time Together

Cooking is a great way to spend time together – especially when you don’t have to worry about the planning, shopping or clean-up! So, grab your kid(s), grandparents, goofy uncle, favorite auntie, or even some family friends and let’s make some delicious memories together! Ages 4+ please!
Come as a pair, or small group! At our Sunday Supper, adult(s) and kid(s) work side-by-side to make a meal, and then enjoy it together. It’s the perfect combination of family fun activity, meets hands-on instructional cooking, with a delicious dinner result, and recipes you can later recreate at home!
All classes include: Hands-On Instruction lead by one of our talented and kid-friendly instructors, all food and non-alcoholic beverages and professional printed take-home recipes.
Pre-registration and Payment are needed prior to start of class.
Sunday Supper Schedule

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