Learn More About
Kids Cooking Classes

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Proper Attire: Closed-toe, non-slip shoes are a must (sneakers work fine). Clothes may get dirty. We ask that all children limit jewelry and no perfume. Long hair should be secured / tied back. No hats.
Knife Safety & Learning Accommodations: All students leave our programs with basic knife skills including chopping, slicing, dicing, safe handling, and other kitchen safety. Parents will be required to let us know before the start of the first class if they think their child will be able to safely handle a knife and follow the directions given, or any other accommodations that should be considered.
Weather-related or Other Closings: To find out about weather-related or other closings, an email will be sent, you can also check our Facebook or call the main number.
Insurance: We assume that all children are covered by the health and accident insurance policies of their parents, and that this information is indicated on the registration forms. In the case of an emergency, camp staff will contact the guardian immediately.
Illness: To help avoid the spread of illness, children with fever, diarrhea, vomiting or at the start of a cold should not attend a program, event or camp. You must wait until fever, vomiting, or diarrhea has been gone for 24 hours before sending your child back to Leaning Ladder. Upon notification of a sick child during program hours, a parent or guardian must pick up their child immediately. If the parent or guardian cannot be reached, emergency contacts will be called to pick up the child. It is very important that a sick child not remain in camp, both for the well-being of the child and the other children in our programs.
Pick Up and Drop Off: Parents and guardians should make every effort to arrive and pick up for each session on time. If a student will be late, or absent we’d appreciate a call or email.
Disruption and Disturbance: Leaning Ladder staff will treat each student with respect and set clear expectations and boundaries each day. Children are expected to show respect to their peers and staff, as well as treat the facilities and equipment with care. Clear expectations will be set each day and staff will help participants establish positive roles within the group. For children who experience difficulty with this structure, staff will work with the child and their parents to create an individualized plan that meets the need of the child while ensuring the safety and trust of other students. Frequent disrespect towards peers, staff or property may result in child’s dismissal from the programs session, with no refund, and possible refusal from other registered sessions.
Food Allergies: Leaning Ladder is not peanut/nut free; however, if we have a child in program with a peanut or other severe food allergy, we may restrict certain foods from being used for the safety of that child. In order to provide a safe environment for all our students, students with allergies are supported in taking responsibility to be knowledgeable of their allergies and avoid foods containing a harmful ingredient. Proper hand washing techniques strongly encouraged, please note any medications that are used to aide in allergies.
COVID-19: See Healthy Camp / Program Plan
Food: The students will sample and eat what they make. Leaning Ladder will supply drinks and snacks during all programs. Meal times are a special time for building relationships and developing connections
while engaging in conversations among students, their peers and instructors We encourage courtesy bites, and respect for food and the energy it took to make the food.
Personal Items: In an effort to protect your child’s possessions, we ask you to keep valuables and/ or excessive personal items at home, rather than allow your child to bring it with them. We cannot be responsible for these items, nor can our staff. If your child must, please limit the personal items to a small back pack or bag.
Cell Phones: We can appreciate the desire for parents and guardians to be in contact with their student / camper while they are away from home, however the risks of allowing children to have cell phones while cooking will likely present a problem / danger and will outweigh the benefits. If there is an emergency while your child is at one of our programs, please call the main number and speak to Leaning Ladder staff. Cell phones continue to advance and offer multi-use functions like camera, video recording, music player, texting, web browsing, and video games, likely students will not need to access these functions during program hours, so we ask that cell phones remain on silent, and either are not brought to the program,, or remain in a bag, but not on them.
Photos: We understand that photos are a big concern for many students and parents, likely there is excitement around seeing photos of what they prepared, and all the fun they had. Photos will be sent to the provided cell number on the registration form.
Off Property Permission: by signing and agreeing to the waiver form included in the registration process, parents and guardians grant permission for their child to leave the Leaning Ladder building, unless a written non-consent is provided prior to the outing. Ie. Heading out to the green space near the gazebo to eat lunch, or play a game that requires outdoor space.
Adult to Child Ratio: interactive supervision of children is crucial and staff to participant ratio is maintained at 1:8 or lower. Camps and student classes are not a parent involved class. All classes will max at 16 participants.
Inclusive Setting: Program activities are diverse and supportive of all youth regardless of their background, race, ethnicity, culture, language, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, disability, or sexual orientation.
Menus / Themes: They may change based on availability of ingredients. Chefs/ Instructors may change based on scheduling conflicts without prior approval.
Receipts for Taxes: It is the responsibility of the participating family to maintain documentation for end- of-year tax records. We do not provide yearly itemized accounts of payments received. Our Federal Tax ID # 30-0763796
Please note: Camps/ Programs will be cancelled at least one week prior to camp start date if there are not more than 6 registered campers. Refunds will be given if Leaning Ladder needs to cancel due to lack of enrollment.
Our Philosophy: Have Fun, be safe, appreciate real ingredients, broaden palates, build on simple math and literacy skills, understand cooking concepts, interpret a recipe, create edible art, observe chemistry in action, and hone basic life skills. Therefore, giving campers life-long tools and knowledge to prepare dishes for themselves, friends, and family members.
Does my child need to have any prior learning or kitchen skills prior to enrollment? No previous experience is required! We are happy to accept children of all abilities. We encourage children to ask questions if there is something they don’t understand during outlined activities.
Do you have before and aftercare options? Not at this time.
Does my child need to eat the recipes prepared? He/she is a picky eater. Meal times are a special time for building relationships and developing connections while conversing with peers and instructors. We encourage everyone to sit together and take courtesy bites (We will not force any child to eat or try, but will suggest and encourage). We do, however ask that there is respect shown for the food and the energy it took to make the food. A sample phrase your child may hear “… do not YUCK someone else’s YUM!”
My child loves to cook and has past kitchen experience, will this camp still be a good fit? Yes. We have experienced instructors and staff, and a state-of-the-art hands-on cooking kitchen. In addition to cooking, your child will also be enriching other components of health and well-being.
Will my child be with older children? Our programs are divided into age appropriate levels. We encourage children to work together, helping and learning from one another no matter what their age. There will be direct adult supervision at all times.
Is the summer camp accredited? We are not ACA accredited at this time. But we do uphold the highest level of safety and sanitation standards, and are a licensed and inspected facility. Our staff is CPR/ First Aid certified.
Does my child need to bring his / her own knifes or apron? All knifes, other tools and aprons will be provided. If your child has an Leaning Ladder apron from last summer or a special apron they love they are welcomed to bring it along (please label it).
Should my child eat before arriving or will I be eating there? You will be eating here, however, we’d strongly recommend that your child has a light bite before arriving depending on your session time. A healthy and hearty breakfast or lunch before attending is a smart idea! Water will be provided.
Will students get a copy of the recipes made during the program? Yes!